April 8, 2009

Spending Time

It's spring break for our schools, and we've been having lots of fun, open-ended moments with the kids and their friends. This week is a good reminder of the difference between managing your children, and spending real time with them. The former is necessary for moving them along throughout the day (breakfast, school, bedtime, etc.). The latter is necessary for tuning in to who they are. As a parent, it's easy to default to 'manage mode', shuttling them along from task to task. Thank goodness for an unstructured week full of sand boxes and art projects. When I'm not going insane, I'm actually quite enjoying their company!

P.S. See that cool label on our art box? It's an invention from my friend Tiffany who created Pick Up Palz removable labels for kids - check it out!

1 comment:

Tiffany T said...

Hey! You're using the labels!! That's really cool :). I love being able to put my kids' stuff in unconventional storage options to give our playroom a unique look.

I'm loving the wooden supply box, by the way. It makes me itch to pull out the Elmer's glue and child-safe scissors :).