November 4, 2010

Launching a Season of Thanks

As part of the upcoming Moms With Apps one year anniversary, I'm kicking off a Season of Thanks to the community of parent app developers I've connected with over the past year.

Our updated 125 x 125 button by Dad developer Robert Meier

Specifically, thanks to:
  • The co-founders (Lynette from PicPocket Books and Jill/Alesha from MomMaps) and early members who spearheaded the group along with me. Remember our first group post on this blog? Classic!
  • Duck Duck Moose for setting a gold-standard example on eye-popping and kid-friendly graphics that stand out on the iPhone and iPad, and for steering me in the right direction when my team was learning vector graphics.
  • Weiner Family Studios for putting in place our New Forum for knowledge-exchange on the mobile app industry
  • Pi'ikea Street for coming out with an iPad app that set a bar for well designed and beautiful sounding apps
  • Lullatone for making the melodies I love so much, and am now incorporating into our own apps for My Busy Kit.
  • The MWA active membership for providing ongoing participation and dedication for making great apps for kids and families
  • The MWA blog readers, Twitter followers, and Facebook fans who have re-posted, shared, and re-tweeted all of the amazing accomplishments with family-friendly apps.
To participate, construct a blog post that outlines why you are thankful for the past year. Anyone can contribute (mwa member or anyone who uses mobile apps), but topics should be relevant to how moms with apps helped your app development, or how apps help in your daily life. Once you have your post constructed, look out for the Moms With Apps blog on App Friday Nov. 19th. We'll set up a link exchange for you to share your "Season of Thanks" post.

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Moms With Apps!


Unknown said...

Congrats! This group has really meant a lot to me and my dreams and goals. Thank you so much for all you do. And thank you fellow members for the strong community and all the help and tips. You are all the best!

Sleeping With the Laundry

Mary Alice McQuade said...

I am extremely grateful to you and all those like you who work hard to open up the world to children, especially those with disabilities. It is impossible to describe how much ipods, ipads and apps have impacted the lives of so many children and their families.

Jill _ Mom Maps said...

Happy Thanksgiving all!!

Many thanks for all who contribute to this effort. It has been a great community to draw from, a real inspiration. Lynette, Scott, Jitka, Caroline...and all the developers I've gotten to work with. Special thanks to Lorraine whose tireless efforts have made this site and the forum what they are.

Best of wishes to all! Happy turkey day!